Our mission is to change lives by creating a community of committed,

compassionate believers and disciples for Christ

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Pray With Us

Remember With Us

Through the Years

Pray With Us

Remember With Us

Through the Years

OBCC Resources

We look forward to getting to know you and sharing the marvelous ways God is working in all of our lives. We have been called to bring love and faith, to encourage hope and healing, to pray for God’s guidance as we work, and to discover meaning in this gift of life. Our calling is your calling. We are one with the Lord.

We invite you to join us!


Need Prayer?

We know that life can be overwhelming. In those moments, hope can feel far away. We believe that Jesus changes everything, and He invites us to approach Him confidently through prayer. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you!

Pray With Us
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